Coaching in Drama, Singing and Dancing, for boys and girls 4 - 18!

These classes are aimed at all boys and girls of all levels and abilities.  Whether they are born for the stage or are the shy less confident type, we will bring out the best in them and have loads of fun along the way!  Every child has an inner star that is ready to shine!

The classes run for an hour and cover all aspects of stage performance.  Every year we choose a musical to do and we perform this at the end of the 3rd term.  

The students get involved in everything from stage design, scenery painting, props, costumes, sound, direction and production as well as being the stars of the show! Every student will have a chance to shine no matter what their talent is! 

Our performing arts teacher, Miriam Ball, has a fabulous wealth of knowledge in all things Musical theatre and her students flourish under her guidance.

It gives us great pride that 5 of our past pupils are now studying Musical Theatre and making a career out of it. 

Our classes are broken down into 3 main areas:

Drama and Acting for stage teaches the students many wonderful acting techniques and builds confidence through creativity.  We cover mime, improvisation, vocal techniques and characterisation!

Singing for stage is designed to improve vocal techniques and vocal quality.  We will cover a wide range of musical styles and teach the students to use their voice with confidence.  

Dance is not only wonderful for the soul but its a great form of exercise and self expression.  We will learn lots of fun dance routines and also learn how express ourselves through movement.  Dancing trains music hearing and gives us a sense of rhythm and co ordination.

We have 4 class groups:

  1. Juniors One – up to and including senior infants
  2. Juniors two – First and Second Class
  3. Intermediates or Midis – Third Class to Sixth Class
  4. Seniors – Secondary students from 12 to 18. 

We decide on the musical in October and we have auditions within the classes for all the roles.  But, lead roles or not...every student will get a chance to shine!

This years Musical is “Working With…Shrek!  

Performing Arts Details