There are so many ways that learning an instrument can benefit your child from improving their self esteem to teaching them how to work in a team. Click here to find out more!

Any parent who encourages or facilitates a musical education for their children should give themselves a pat on the back! A musical education is one of the greatest gifts one could give a child as it can improve so many aspects of their lives and their skill sets. Here are some of the benefits that come with a musical education for children: 


Increased self-confidence

The process of learning to perform in front of others can have a hugely positive effect on a child’s self-confidence and can provide them with valuable skills which can be applicable in many other life situations. The self-belief that your child requires to progress on their instrument can carry them through future public speaking events, meetings, school performances and job interviews. Your child will grow in confidence as they notice their own improvements and see their musical ability increase. 


Improves ability to learn new information

Through learning a musical instrument, children gradually make the connection between listening, practising and progress. They discover how to work independently and, eventually, how to take control of their learning and progress. Self-evaluation is a huge aspect of musical learning and this skill can translate into other academic subjects, such as maths, science and languages. The equation of “you get out what you put in” is reinforced frequently through music education and this can improve your child’s work ethic and sense of discipline. 


Improves motor skills and coordination

Depending on the instrument, musicians might need delicate finger movements or refined breath control or unusual degrees of co-ordination, perhaps between feet, hands, eyes and breath. These actions require sharp motor skills and highly developed bodily control. Furthermore, musicians who play from notation use a very unique kind of brain to body co-ordination, which allows them to create music from what is printed on the page. These are valuable skills, which are transferable to many other areas of activity, throughout life. 


Facilitation of self-expression

 Making music can facilitate the outward expression of your child’s feelings and emotions. Having this outlet can be important for everyone, but can become particularly valuable for those who feel uneasy about expressing themselves in other ways. This might be children, teenagers, those with specific needs, or anyone for whom verbal communication does not come naturally. This can also help your child maintain good mental health as they grow up.

Teamwork skills

Learning an instrument isn’t generally isolated to your child’s one-on-one lessons with their teacher. Children are generally encouraged to play with others in ensembles such as bands, choirs and orchestras. These experiences provide children with the understanding of what it means to work with others as a team. They learn how to listen to each other and respond to what they hear. The idea of working together and realising that your part – no matter how small or large, loud or subtle – is important to make the song work, is so fulfilling!


Listening skills

 As mentioned above, children learn how to listen and respond to others while playing music in an ensemble setting, however, on an individual level, children learn to listen to themselves and understand aural concepts, such as pitch, tempo and tonality. Being a good listener is really important and will help your child in all areas of their lives. 


Learning an instrument involves a lot of stops and starts at the beginning stages. This is a serious lesson in patience for your child as they discover that the journey of learning is never ending! They will encounter blocks and issues throughout their musical education, however, it is these difficult moments that make their successes all the more euphoric!